
Summary Of Ms. Hoffman's Classroom Observation

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Hoffman’s class also has the same options as the first resource class; they are able to work on work from previous class. All teachers have a close relationship with teacher and teachers are able to view grades from other classes. Bluffton Middle school Mrs. Goll’s math resource class utilized A and B days. Group a class had only 8 students with a demographic of ESOL students and minorities. These students are below math level but have the opportunity to test out of the class. After quizzes students are able to record their own progress and see how many points they need to be in a general education course.
In both observations all teachers utilize Positive Behavior Strategies Interventions a district wide strategies. Consistency is the baseline of any PBSI, students in Beaufort County School District regardless of their school they attend they are aware of acceptable behaviors and rewarded for good behaviors. Classroom management strategies that motivated their students to want to learn. There were minor disruptions but it is to be expected for anyone to be off task. The average class was over an hour long. Students were reward with Stamps that was based on token economy and candies after manger

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