The educational system of the United States is plagued by many issues. There have been numerous methods and attempts to speak and solve these issues. In, No Education No Life: How the Algebra Project is Educating for Insurgency by Paul Lauter, you see an explanation of how to resolve these issues through such actions as protest. Lauter uses this article to inspire not only adults but students as well to fight for an improved educational system. He also works to point out every flaw in our current educational system and how it affects the children. Throughout the article, you see the use of facts and examples to support each claim. Lauter points out issues of race and lacking of creativity. His attitude in the article is passionate, serious, and persuasive. The article was published on AlterNet, a new magazine and online community. The aim of this publication is to focus on original journalism and inspire advocacy of issues such as the environment, social justice, human rights and civil liberties, media, health care problems, among other topics. AlterNet receives more than 13 million page views and 5.9 million visitors monthly. Paul Lauter is currently a professor of literature at Trinity College. This speaks of the credibility of the writer as well as the purpose of the article. The site must have a strong fan …show more content…
Pathos is used to connect with the reader emotionally. This audience that Lauter targets appears to be minority youth as well as the well-educated. This assumption is made based on his constant speaking of students as the key to changing the current educational system. Also, the language used by Lauter suggests his targeting of an educated audience with formal words such as “regime” and “ceaseless”. He states this in the first paragraph of the article saying, “Others, the multimillion dollars “reformers’, promote a regime of ceaseless testing, managerial authority, privatization, and “teacher-proof”
The Pathos appeal uses an individual’s story to paint a picture of what is happening in the readers head. Pathos supports the authors reading by the author showing his emotions and the emotions of the other people in his French class through the article. A quote from David Sedaris’s article shows how he feels in the classroom setting and how it affected his life outside of the classroom. “My fear and discomfort crept beyond the borders of the classroom and accompanied me out onto the wide boulevards.” This quote explains how drastically the class and the teacher and internal affected his own being. How he shows his emotion in the writing gets the readers to feel his experience throughout the article through their own in their life. He also shows the emotions of the other people in his class to give the reader a viewpoint other than his. It shows that Sedaris is not the only person in that class that gets emotion abused and feels like an outsider. This gives the reader a visual of exactly what it feels like to be sitting inside of that French
When somebody thinks about education and schooling they may think back to their experiences in the classroom and with their teachers. Summers off and snow days may also come to mind as well. Within the most recent months and years they probably think about how the government is playing a major role in the funding of classroom supplies, school systems and teachers. How the curriculum is being changed to allow students to achieve test scores that put the United States in the front running with education with other countries around the world. If a person was watching the news in the last couple of months they would see how teachers are going on strike to make a change in getting better salaries and reformed health care benefits that
Graff then goes on to establish his ethos in the first few paragraphs while continuing to expand the thoughts and ideas on pathos throughout his essay. He begins to build his community and trust by recognizing his own credentials and sharing his personal background in writing. One of the first things noticed from the footnote about Gerald Graff’s professional career is that he has vast experience in the writing department. He is an English professor at a prestigious university, a past president of the Modern Language Association, and part of the professional association of scholars and teachers of English and other languages (198). But, since his background only assists his argument and does not define it, it is crucial to also look at his word choice, mood, language, and ideology in order to fully claim Graff a credible author.
The education system in America has a long history of struggle and change, as we have grown as a nation we have experienced an ever-increasing rise in diversity. This diversity has caused rigidities between groups and all stratus of society and has been a major impact in debates concerning the educational opportunities in America.
Pathos is the writers attempt to appeal to the audience emotions. For instance, “In June, a professor protecting himself with a pseudonym wrote an essay for Vox describing how gingerly he now has to teach. ‘“I’m a Liberal Professor, and My Liberal Students Terrify Me,”’ the headline said” (Lukianoff and Haidt). The authors appeal to emotion paints a picture in the reader’s mind, further opening their eyes to make them feel how the professor was feeling. Also, naming the article “The Coddling of the American Mind” was a great was to represent how the problem was being addressed. The use of the word “coddling” reflected the way colleges were treating their students like babies. Enforcing trigger warnings to protect the students are not helping them for the future. This appeals to pathos because the audience gets a glimpse of what the after effect of “babying” has on
The author of the cartoon uses pathos in that it wants a reaction out of the person who is reading the cartoon. It uses pathos in the way that plays into the reader's bias and stereotype of what education reform has and is doing to America's education system. It try’s to play into parents and people who work into the government and make them afraid. It is trying to play into that fear by showing that this little child is not getting any subject material other than test prep and things that will be on the
The greatest country in the world still has problems evenly distributing education to its youth. The articles I have read for this unit have a common theme regarding our education system. The authors illustrate to the reader about the struggles in America concerning how we obtain and education. Oppression, politics, racism, and socioeconomic status are a few examples of what is wrong with our country and its means of delivering a fair education to all Americans.
Advanced technology and forms of communication have changed the way we look at our nation. The current political climate and the cultural movement that is happening in our nation is going to go down in history as a revolution. A revolution where news headlines are instantaneously on our phone screens, and thanks to our advanced technology, a whole world of information is a few clicks away. However, despite these advancements in technology, the cultural change in America is often slowed down because there is a general lack of education. In America, education is the one, if not the biggest barriers that economically and institutionally suppress an overwhelming amount of the nation’s adults. Majority of adults in America do not have basic reading and writing skills yet education is still not a priority in America. There is a crucial need for education in America, now more than ever. In my opinion, the only reason for the current political climate in America is the lack of education that brings basic awareness. The solution to what we are witnessing as a nation is an education that makes individuals aware of the reality of our circumstances and allows them to see a perspective from multiple points of views. In this paper, I will present my argument on why education should be made a priority in America.
Education in America is one of the most important issues that face our nation. If the education in America is not thought of one of most serious issues we face, our nation as a whole will fall. There are many debates and they seemly extend to all walks of life. The debates range from the decline in education, school vouchers, and the no child left behind law. As a nation, the United States is ranked above others. We must search for that solution to all of the pro’s and con’s in education. The solution should allow all walks of life to excel in the education realm. After all, the children of today will be the leaders of tomorrow.
The human mind is perhaps the greatest object on the earth, animate or inanimate, but without the proper training, the mind is a relatively useless tool. Through the development of formal education systems, humans as a whole have tried to ensure the training of all minds so as to continue prosperity for the world. Most of the time, though, education systems do not realize the harm they are doing to developing minds and the subsequent negative consequences. Among the largest of these inadequate education systems is the American primary schooling system. The American education system is in fact failing; it continues to deplete children of their natural creativity and thirst for knowledge while preaching conformity, which in turn creates an
In a progressively more globalized world that necessitates more effective educational practices, the U.S., once the biggest global force in education, has seen its dominance slowly slip out, and its educational status fall even lower than that of several third-world countries. The decline experienced in American school system academic achievement is not as a result of lack of funding, but as a consequence of the overall educational system watering down. According to Gatto, educating children through the existing public school system of America is crippling rather than helping them. From his essay, ‘Against School,’ it is established that the goal of the whole public school system is to limit people’s intelligence in an attempt to create a society that is manageable. Gatto continues to state that action is needed to change this situation. He supports his assertions using current and historical information about the American school system and his personal experience. After reading his article, one realizes that most of Gatto’s arguments are true. It is true that the American education system is making the students comfort to the government and society norms, which is why they are easily bored. This essay’s goal will, therefore, be to support John Gatto’s beliefs.
Our education system does seem to be in trouble for the way that it is headed, but also a lack of motivation from the children seems to aid in the problems. It is said that America keeps up well with other leading nations in the early years of education, but as soon as kids start to grow older getting good grades just for that special trip to get ice cream doesn’t seem to be enough anymore and as the high grades begin to “weaken as students move through school.” (Bethell).
There was a time when America’s education system was top-notch according to the culture and society. With time, a myriad of things has changed, but unfortunately what has not evolved is the American education system. The country is still following a system which was not designed for the current global economic climate. Equality, as positive as it sounds is not as sufficient when it comes to education. The system treats students equally yet expect a similar culmination and outcome. Every child has his individuality and distinct abilities; one cannot judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree. Conversely, a few of the prominent reasons why the education system is failing are overcrowded schools, the rise of technology, and following the same old school hours.
The quality of education given in today's schools has declined since the idea of schools began. Currently students are graduating without being able to read or write. The blame lies on the teachers, government and every American citizen for not speaking up to bring change sooner. Only in the most recent years has there been any will to change the system.(Sharma)
His logos appeal is lost when he begins to cite unscholarly journals that would otherwise not have relevant information about the topic, rather than informational articles that could persuade the reader. For instance, Salmon quotes BuzzFeed which is more of an entertainment news source which causes the loss of credibility. In addition, the author forgets to describe key concepts like the Ice Bucket Challenge, which leads the article to seem confusing for those who have not heard of the viral trend. Words like “de rigueur” are left unexplained and for the reader to decipher. Such details make the article untrustworthy for the reader, making the reader question its