
Summary Of Rudy's Story

Decent Essays

Rudy as a young american boy had great dream’s in sports especially in Football. He wanted to be involved in this sport, but everyone around him said that he couldn’t. Now as a young man in college he is out to get everyone who tried to prove him wrong. Now he will prove them wrong now. Why did Rudy make these goals? Who did Rudy ask for help and advies? how did Rudy achieve these goals? What could have Rudy done different? These are the main questions that will be answer as you read. Rudys story is about goal setting and and rebounding from failure.

Rudy came from a Football loving family, him being a boy and other factors have pointed him in the direction of where he is today. As a child they have great dreams, and Rudy's was no …show more content…

Rudy was certainly intelligent, but only when he realsede what real steps to take to achieve his goal. When his friend died that's when he got his act together. What Rudy should have done was as soon as he gotten into high school, he should have tried his hardest to get his grades up befor he went to college. If his grades were better he could have skipped going to the college rather than waiting two years to get into the university. Next while he was in high school he should have put out some of his scholarship papers the the university. Finally he should never lose focus until he’s in the safe zone, even in the safe zone he should still stay alert. The safe zone is the place where you have almost or already achieved your goal. Goal setting is good to have especially at a young age. One must start thinking about their future more as they succeed in high school.

The dreams that you have may get you somewhere in life but its the goals that get us there. The movie Rudy demostraighs this concept well and it should be show to more people in a way to inspire others dreams. Rudy had a lot of his childhood, and emotion powering his dream. That is how people should about their dreams and goals. The movie also displayed failure quite well, this shows people that it is ok to fail, but you must try and try again befor you just quite like

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