
Summary Of Santo Domingo Mission Trip

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The purpose of this mission trip was to help aid the people of Santo Domingo with medical and educational assistance. Upon our arrival to the village of Santo Domingo we have noticed the need for immediate medical assistance. Dr. Mark G. Davis whose, traveling with me is an Internal Medicine doctor and he has set up a triage to start seeing the people. A village that is made up of mostly immigrants from neighboring Haiti, has a lot of sickness and diseases because the people can’t afford to travel inland to see a doctor. Secondly we wanted to help the people of Santo Domingo to be able to read and write. The need for medical and education is great in this village.

There are many things that needs to be taken into consideration when doing a poll and statistical research. …show more content…

There are certain critic that is used to determine if a poll or static is acute or bias. First you must understand the purpose of the poll. What are they trying to or hope to prove. Secondly to see if the poll is bias, by the questions that are being asked. Thirdly what or who is the targeted population and the type of study. Fourth, look for problems in defining or measures the variable of interest, which can make it difficult to interpret the results. Fifth watch out for confounding variables that can invalidate the conclusion of the study. During the four weeks we were at Santo Domingo I have noticed that the health crisis that was going on, has improved with the proper vaccination and medical

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