
Summary Of Stalking

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This article conducts research into the psychological effects stalking has on victims in the long-term, while the only drawback of the article is that it exclusively focuses on female victims it is not too far of stretch to assume that the same results could be applied to male victims as well. The following study was conducted by Timothy M. Diette and associates to see what or if any mental health issues persisted into later life as a consequence of being stalked, the researchers looked into several factors during the study such as the victim’s age, their mental health prior to the stalking, and if they had any other exposure to traumatic incidents. The study selected women from the National Comorbidity Survey Replication, the National Survey of American Life, and the National Latino and Asian American Study which are well suited for measuring ones emotional and mental health since the three surveys can be evaluated the same way and that they measure one’s well-being on life-long timeline instead of just focusing on the years where the stalking occurred. Diette and associates used logistical analysis on the data collected from the surveys, by estimating the psychological distress in comparison to the life stage the individual was in; which included : “Adolescence (ages 12–17), Early Emerging Adulthood (ages 18–22), Late Emerging Adulthood (ages 23–29), and Early Middle Age (ages 30–45)” (Diette et all., 2014).

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