
Summary Of ' The Crucible '

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Slave, it is a strong word that, according to the Merriam-Webster Dictionary, is defined as, “Someone who is legally owned by another person and is forced to work for that person without pay.”1 Plutarch describes the leader of the Rebellion (Spartacus the slave) as strong, invincible, and barbaric. Spartacus and his rallied men escaped confinement from the Roman Republic and fought back because they wanted to be free from the horrible situation they were put in. Also, the gladiators were tough and proved how strong of a group they were by defeating many trained Roman soldiers. It is unjust for any human being to be forced to accept that way of life and not be able to have much of a say in the matter. The three arguments that support this are that, Plutarch defends Spartacus and explains that he was barbaric and shows how invincible Spartacus was. The second piece in support of the argument is that the gladiators were under miserable, inhumane circumstances, however, the popular gladiators could often be wealthy treated like royalty. Spartacus and his men were a feared group that dominated a lot of the Roman soldiers, even though Crassus ended up defeating these trained Romans. Plutarch’s view on how Spartacus and his men fared against Republican Rome had an immense difference from the typical way people thought during the first and second century of Rome.

Plutarch had an interesting view opposed to the other patricians of his time. He talks about Spartacus’ character as

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