Today, there are two central types of research. First hand research is research that is conducted by the individual themselves such as experiments, interviews, surveys etc. Second hand research is information that one gets by studying various texts that has been supplied and complied by others such as websites, periodicals, and books. No matter what type of sources are employed into an academic essay, they must be reliable. To put it simply, ones sources must all be accurate, trustworthy and reliable. Jason Zinser’s article, The Good, the Bad, and The Daily Show would prove to be a reliable and useful source for an academic research paper when looking at how Zinser utilized his sources, audience and his authority as a writer to demonstrate his credibility.
The credibility of an author is very important in determining the quality of sources you have located and are thinking of using for your research project.
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On the opening page of The Good, the Bad, and The Daily Show, Jason Zinser clearly displays his authority as a writer by providing a synopsis of his life/education. Information such as earning a Ph.D. in philosophy, and affirming that he is a professor that teaches at the University of North Florida which aids his argument in reliability. To be a doctor in Philosophy illustrates that one is highly educated and taking into account that he not only has a Ph.D. in philosophy, but also teaches for a university, Zinser can prove his credibility as a writer in his field of
Maraniss proves his credibility by using interviews, statistics, and by being able to publish on The Washington Post, a highly credible website. The interviews given in the article helps the audience believe what the author wrote about, because there is proof that what he is taking about is legit and not a fabrication. The statistics show that there is facts, of numbers, given that helps the audience see another belief that the article is not just stating information without facts to back him up. Also, seeing how The Washington Post is a credible site that people can read the truth of the world, gives the author more points of showing his credibility.
c. The author uses literature as he cites other literary works, websites, and research findings from other authors in order to support his main points throughout the text. In addition, the text’s citation style is APA in-text citation as Waisanen uses research findings, words defined by other authors, and examples of video clips from the Onion News Network to compare, support, and define his thesis and central idea of his paper. This is shown throughout the text; for instance, an example of research findings is on page 510 where Waisanen states the researcher findings of Achter (2008) on “… understanding and comprehending new parodies such as The Onion yet there is still much work to reveal the parody that is portrayed and illustrated to news
My last few sources were for quotes and small evidence throughout the research paper. I
When questioning the credibility of the authors, I took into account if the material was up to date and if the author's opinions had merit. Since we were told to do this discussion without researching them I focused
The author’s purpose of writing an article can differ to major extremes depending on the type of discourse. At times the two discourse purposes can be similar, but a majority of discourses tend to lean towards a certain audience and purpose for writing. Academic discourses tend to weigh more on the informative side of persuasion than popular discourses do. The informative technique is accomplished through multiple studies, and experiments which back up the writer’s argument. Academic discourses are usually very fact heavy, and include numerous amounts of researches or studies. This amplifies the purpose for the article, and shows that the main target audience for an academic discourse is scholars, researchers, scientists, and advanced students. In contrast, a popular discourse usually falls towards the entertainment side of the persuasion spectrum. Popular news articles and discourses use only the important or interesting facts from the original article to keep the audience from getting bored. Popular discourses are mainly concerned with the audience and their opinions, rather than just the basic facts and research. The audiences that popular discourses
The author of my article is credible. Honor Whiteman. She has written many other medical issues for regular people to high class doctors that are trying to learn about something new. I know this is true because that information came out of a google result. Another way my article is credible is the purpose of the article. At the bottom of the article there was a little tiny thing that said it was approved by doctors so that means doctors use that information and what is the point of making a an entire fake article and have actual doctors use it. There is no
Credibility Statement: Recently I have researched this topic with the aid of various academic journals, magazines, books, and newspapers.
The authors state that, “prior to developing self-authorship capacities, educators rely uncritically on authorities for knowledge” (pg. 11). I’ve found this true in my own life, as well as in working with
1. There was no author or writer details provided to even begin deciphering the credibility of the source. Since there is only one source provided, it obviously is the most credible. The credibility doesn’t come from being able to pick between multiple sources, but only because it’s the only one provided.
Who the author is and his credentials, such as background, degrees, and experiences, are other key factors.
Everyone has their own ways of obtaining information about every topic imaginable. There is not one set way of accumulating information, but there are some ways that allow better quality of information to be obtained. For example, some people use the media to find information on the Affordable Care Act and others use reputable academic sources to do the same. The media’s main focus for covering the Affordable care Act is for political reasons, where academia uses information about the Affordable Care Act in order to understand various cultural assumptions.
Research papers are a part of every student’s life. Some students may like the research papers but the others may not. But in the end a decent research paper would be the sources that make the paper credible. A lot of articles are not credible due to some areas. The areas include: the credibility of the author, the sources that were cited throughout the paper, how reliable the content is and a reliable publisher also how current and how accessible the article is. The author would be credible by being knowledgeable about the topic being spoken about. Furthermore, for the author to be credible, the author would have to be adding some outside sources that will give the article more credibility. Not only would the sources would make the paper credible
I found an article that was not that appealing to my research paper. It discusses how music can tell you who you are as a person. The article gives bullet points on how certain types of music can explain your character and your personality type. The author gave no supporting evidence, did not address a main issue, and had no credible sources to prove his points.
Beginning the project, I chose the topic of the Black Lives Matter movement. I believed this would be a successful topic as there has been a major controversy stirring within the movement and the perception of it, and I had already felt passionate about this movement. Initially, I thought I would observe major news sources and look for each side’s stance on the movement, both and for and against. I began mainly looking at sources online. But, what I found was that I wasn’t getting an equal amount of opinionated news from each side and that there wasn’t an extreme variation of bias. It wasn’t until I began looking into smaller, more local news sources that I found what I was looking for. Rather than simply searching for online sources, I looked into different types of media, including TV, radio, podcasts, and even photo sets. These sources provided the opinions I needed to make my
My first question was, “How does news based in the United States effect societies views on other countries? How does foreign news affect their societies’ view on the United States?” By trying to find simple research on this through the MU Library, I was quick to find that in order to write a successful research paper it is vital to have a more specific question to get the answers you want. I was not finding specific research that included specific information on foreign news and its societal affects.