
Summary Of The Minutemen And Their World

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The book The Minutemen and Their World was written by Robert A. Gross, and took place during the late 1700’s in the small town Concord, Massachusetts and the people who inhabited it. He wrote about Concord’s government and how it changed over the years and the struggles the town’s people go through. Robert Gross wrote this book like a story but it is clear how much research went in to the book itself just by looking in the Notes section in the back of the book. This book demonstrates how the town of Concord coped with the Revolutionary War, he concentrated on the lives of the townspeople and the farmers, and Concord’s main political problems. In the book, Robert Gross dusts over some of the main problems the town of Concord had. They had issues staying united. The farmers and city slickers didn’t agree on political topics, such …show more content…

The city inhabitants and the farmers didn’t agree on much, they were separated by acres of crops and dust. The city folk had easy access to the town meetings and the public political debates, while the farmers had to trek five miles or more to Concord. This made it difficult to go to the meetings and to be involved with the politics. Living on the outskirts of town made it very hard for children to attend school because they had to walk so far to get there. That helped further separate the farmers from the towns people, the farmers weren’t getting the education the people in the city were, nor were they politically involved. The Minutemen and Their World touched on the struggle for religious unity in Concord with heavy detail. The city of Concord was being divided religiously by region. The West Church wasn’t very strong, it never supported a regular minister and met in the Black Horse Tavern to worship, for the town refused to lend them a meeting place. The south had conservative religious ideas

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