
Summary Of The Poem 'The Layers'

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Is there a certain way people should deal with the uncertainties of the past? We as humans are all different and must deal with the past in our own individual way. It seems as though when dealing specifically with the past many people choose to approach it in a similar way and in turn hide it away. In “The Layers” written by Stanley Kunitz we follow a journey through one specific persons life and how the uncertainties he or she has been left with effects them and the people around them. The main idea Stanley Kunitz brings to light is that life is a journey and it is always moving so living in the past is only holding you back. In Stanley Kunitz poem “The Layers” readers should learn that even though the uncertainties of the past is what has created you and what holds you down people …show more content…

In the beginning of Stanley Kunitz poem he describes very in depth how much he has seen of the past and it holding people down. “I have walked through many lives, some of them my own, and I am not who I was” (Line 1-3). Here he describes how his past has forced him to change. He is not the same person he used to be as he has seen too much of others life’s to sincerely be the same. It has forced him to deal with more than just his own uncertainties, as he has been able to walk through the past of others. “When I look behind, as I am compelled to look before I can gather strength to proceed on my journey” (line 7-10). The poem has now continued to where he is able to look at the past and understand that it must be let go of in order for his journey in life to continue. He cannot carry the burden of doubt and uncertainty for the rest of his life not even the strongest people he knows can carry all that weight as described in line 15 “over with scavenger angels wheel on heavy wings.” Their wings are being held down by the past they carry on them. They are

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