
Summary Of Two Kinds By Amy Tan

Decent Essays

Then and Now The story that I am making a personal connection to is “Two Kinds,” by Amy Tan. As a kid, I always had low self-esteem. When grade 9 started, I felt that I wasn’t as smart as everyone in my family. I compared myself to my cousins who are smart, talented, and achieved great marks without much of an effort. My parents have never given me any orders to achieve high marks nor compared me to my cousins; they only expected me to do my very best and have a good profession in the future. But when we have family gatherings, I always hear about the great achievements my cousins accomplished. They are either a doctor, pharmacist, teacher, lab technologist or a student who achieves straight A’s. I would always compare myself to them; I’m not smart unless I studied alot, I’m always stressed and always doing my homework while others have plenty of time to have fun, and I barely have any talents. All these expectations I created made me believe that I’m the worst within the family. My situation is similar to Jing Mei as it’s about high expectations and both of us are not geniuses, as Jing Mei ask, “Why don’t you like …show more content…

I'm not a genius!” (719) Also, we are both bothered by being compared to other people as Jing Mei said,” I heard my mother and her friend Lindo Jong both talking in a loud bragging tone of voice so others could hear...And right then, I was determined to put a stop to her foolish pride.” (720-721) The differences between me and Jing Mei is that I’m the one giving high expectations to myself while in Jing-Mei's story, her parents

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