
Summary Of Your Inner Fish

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I attended the talk on Your Inner Fish by Dr. Neil Shubin on Thursday the 6th of April. The talk itself was based off the book Your Inner Fish, that Dr. Neil Shubin wrote in ______ year. In the beginning of the talk he stressed the idea that to understand the human species it very much helps to understand animals as well. The anatomy of our own bodies and the understanding of what everything does can also be seen in other animals like fish. He believes that we are the cumulation of millions of years of evolution and that we had to come from somewhere. Most of his talk addressed findings that support the idea that animals formed from fish to animals like tetrapod’s and then to something like us. He and other colleagues discovered the Tiktaalik, which was a creature who had both elements of fish and amphibians. This was amazing find for the world of paleontology and shows amazing evidence for the world of animal behavior …show more content…

He believes this shows a link between all species that ever lived such as microbes, sharks, frogs, bears, and their relation to man. Meaning that in the world of animal behavior we may have all came from a specific species and evolved throughout history. This may also shed light onto the animal behavior world by relaying some of the information that we know as being apart of out interconnectedness from one species. In reality his finding was a type of basis for humanity, it links our evolutionary world and all species together. The idea that we are all divergent parts of one evolution, really shows that the behavior an animal may have may also be explained by

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