
Summary: Old Testament Slavery Vs. Modern Day Prostitution

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Old Testament Slavery vs. Modern Day Slavery Specifically Prostitution

The worldview of the ancient Israelite was bound up in the idea of covenant, if they did as God instructed, and kept His commands they would remain His people. God, people and economics or land were all bound together. Neglecting people was neglecting the command of God and therefore would result in loss of land, and so on. Ethics were bound up in the concept of covenant, if the Israelite’s upheld the standards Yahweh established, they were in good ethical standing before Him. This included taking care of landless people, executing justice and abstaining from oppression and sexual immorality. Slavery in Israel was to be a means by which people found habitation, and were …show more content…

In Genesis 19, the men of the city of Sodom come to Lot’s door asking him to send out the men who are staying with him. Rather than sending out the men, Lot offered to send out his virgin daughters because that act would be less horrific then sending out the men. This story is terrible no matter how it’s cut, and the result is that women were offered up for all kinds of horrific abuse, and the one offering them knew the price the daughters would pay, the tremendous abuse they would experience in one night.
In Leviticus 18 the rules of sexual conduct are expressed to the Israelites, in closing they are instructed, “keep these or the land will surely vomit you out.” God cares deeply about the sexual ethics of His people. However, because all people are created in the image of God with innate rights and dignity then it is reasonable to suggest that God does not just care about the sexual ethics of His redeemed people, but all people through His creator-created relationship with them. Though it is hard to know the exact worldview of those involved with the prostitution ring and all aspects of modern slavery, one can assume it would be vastly different from that of a worldview shaped and ruled by the standards of

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