
Summary: Symptoms Of Colic Babies

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Colic babies will has intense stretches of crying. It is more common for this to occur in the late afternoon or evening. Babies with colic usually look as though they are in a great deal of distress and pain, signs such as red faces, clenched fists and arched back while crying can all be symptoms. It is important to watch that they are still eating normally and gaining weight. Colic babies will often look otherwise healthy.
Physiological reflux usually presents as spitting up. It can range from a miniscule amount of spit/milk, to coming out the nose, and projectile vomiting. The important signs to look out for are, does the baby settle quickly after spitting up? And is the baby still gaining weight normally? If yes to both of these, then it is physiological reflux and is not cause for concern. …show more content…

Some symptoms will display like colic and physiological reflux but it is important to look out for whether the baby is still feeding well and gaining weight normally. One major symptom of gastro-oesophageal reflux disease is that the baby will refuse to eat or have a lot of difficulties which will result in weight loss. They will also display colic symptoms of frequent crying and look to be in a great deal of distress. You may also notice coughing or wheezing. If these symptoms persist, contact a doctor for

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