
Summary: The Leadership Worldview

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How important it is to understand a leaders worldview is vital. When we are a leader or employee of a business a huge aspect of business ethics is loyalty, if we are in sync of the vision, policies, and model of the business then in order to succeed in our contractual duties is to believe in the direction of the business and display it. Loyalty is really forming us as an living billboard of what business we are associated with. How can we know this to be true let us take an interpersonal survey of how many conversations we have with family, friends, and others that the content of the dialog without fail is threaded with questions about the business your associated with and the direction it is going. When reading about derailment in "The Leadership …show more content…

What effect do I think an organizational executive worldview has on the culture , leadership, and policy setting of an organization? Influence is the pinnacle point of an organization, everything from the top flows down. The infrastructure of an organization is to breed like mindedness, goal achieving, and excelling corporate longevity. Unity is the circulation that keeps an organization living, breathing, and producing. When I read in scripture 1 Corinthians 15:33 KJV. Be not deceived: “Evil associations corrupt good manners.” (KJV, 2002.)In the same way good associations influence unto good behavior. If any organization in there right mind would desire to replicate, create, and cultivate a business of good influence their development will revolve around building leadership with integrity. Examining the the 4 Pillars of OKWU "(Pillar, 2015) "The Practice of Wisdom" is my goal in leading successfully. I understand that in my on going relationship with Jesus Christ is my priority and as I ask for wisdom God said in his word he gives to those whom ask liberally. I look to grow in wisdom so that I can lead in the way God wants me to lead and to avoid derailment. My heart is cultivate longevity in ministry and business that will only come by continuing personal growth, applied wisdom, and in multitude of wise

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