As a first generation college student from my family I didn’t know what to expect from college. Summer Bridge really helped me get a good understanding of how college will be for me. I was able to get a good head start. I didn’t know much about my learning style. By taking English 10 A I was able to learn more about myself and college level English classes. Over the course I have grown and learned more than I thought possible. I came to Sacramento State not knowing what to expect, but this course has taught me a lot and prepared me for my other English classes. Going through this English course has taught me so much more than stuff about literature and language, it has taught me how to be me. I have learned here how to write and express myself,
When I say it helped me know that I should be majoring in English, I don’t want you to get me wrong and think that I just randomly picked English out of all the options in front of me at the time. I wasn’t too far on the fence about not majoring in English and finding something else. Although, I did still have that little voice in my head that kept saying, “Hey, are you sure about this? You can’t even decide what Chic-Fil-A sauce to use for your fries and chicken nuggets.” Yes, thanks little voice, I am aware I am incapable of making any decisions. I really did feel as though English is the best fit for my interests though. I felt that then and I really feel that now after looking over the different categories and themes of my life. I’m still not that interesting and interesting things don’t happen to me, but I was able to pick and dig into my mind to put some things down and connect them.
During these past three weeks I have realized that college is going to be very challenging, it is not what I expected it to be like. This class has helped with my reading and writing experience and has contributed to my understanding of expectations for college and goals for my future. It has helped me with preparing and planning my work ahead of time. Dr. Sariscany has helped me with becoming a better writer and helped me prepare for college level work. She has showed me that college is not going to be easy and we should get used to it and put in all our effort and time into everything we turn in.
During the Summer Bridge program, I have gotten a greater perspective on how college life is at the University of the Virgin Islands. With the help of peaceful Patricia Hawkins Pierre, I have gotten better in note taking and in writing essays. Thanks to Dr. PHP I have recognize my writing errors and can now avoid them. Being in class with Dr.PHP gave me a sense of how an actually college professor would be like. It made me manage my time or wisely when doing homework, classwork, and
I learned that you are not only writing for your own benefit, your writing for your classmates, teachers and peers as well. It helps you gain common knowledge that you may not have known otherwise, as well as teaching us research skills that we will need later in life due to the rise is technology use. I have learned that research is a part of life and you will need it throughout college. Writing has helped me understand things I was unable to comprehend before, and gives me a feeling of capability. As Frederick Douglas, an African American social reformer, abolitionist, orator, writer, and statesman, once wrote, “Thus, after a long, tedious effort for years, I finally succeeded in learning how to write” (McQuade and Atwan). At the beginning of the semester, I would have never guessed that I would finish this course on a positive note; however, I finished, and it was not as difficult as I thought it would
Growth is the key to every community. It just takes a link to open the connection and wisdom that can be gained in a learning environment. Diversity is what will be seen and what we will learn as a community to develop one another.
If I learned anything over my last summer before college, it was to accept the adventures life takes you on. College is just another adventure for me to take, and I cannot wait to discover where it takes me. I believe that this University 101 class will help guide me in the proper direction of making adult decisions for myself, as well as prepare me for the following years in Saint Louis University. In this class, I hope to learn all about my new home away from home, and achieve all my set
During the Fall semester I engaged in many activities related to the course English 110. For example, the service learning helped me out a lot because, I was not afraid to talk to other people or approach them. Also I was able to explore Hostos Community College by introducing English work to others such as topics about foods and how to have a healthier lifestyle. The course brought me closer to the community and the environment that I am living at because, it was not just work that us the students had to complete but we the students were educating people about the community. I find this very interesting because, although a lot of people that I interviewed did not go to college or maybe did and never finished are getting the opportunity to
I feel that by taking this class it will help to not only get ready for the college that I plan to have in my future, but also my skills, no matter what, that will stay with me for the rest of my life. The effects will be not only short-term as I go through the rest of high school and eventually college, but will also follow me out for the rest of my life. Everyday we are using writing in one way or another, and the differences between good and bad writing skills are huge! This class is to prepare us for the writing portions of college and that is exactly what I am planning to take advantage of it for.
I learned a lot from this experience. I was familiar with all the kinds of writing, but I wasn't familiar with how to go about writing them. Through the assignments and tests I had to take, I know that it is important to know how to do different kinds of writing. As for grammar, I've become a lot careful with how I write. I've been checking every paragraph as write and this is something I'll continue to do. I've enjoyed writing since the eighth grade, but I've never felt like I've been improving. I've realized that I am much better than I thought I was. I'm glad I had this opportunity. I know it'll really help me in the long run.
On March 10, 2017, I boarded a plane bound for San Francisco amid the hustle and bustle of spring break travel traffic. However, this was no regular spring break vacation, filled with relaxation and carefree experiences. In fact, I was only going to be the Golden City for thirty-six hours, and I was on my way to the national conference being held by the National Association of Community College Teacher Education Programs. As one of their two national scholarship recipients for the 2016-2017 school year, I was invited to attend the conference in order to publically accept my scholarship and was encouraged to attend any panels I wished. As suggested by the name of the organization, the conference was centered on community college education programs and teaching in general. When I arrived on Friday, the only event being held was a networking reception, where I met individuals from various community colleges around the nation. However, Saturday was a much more eventful day, with my spending eight hours at the conference.
I always struggle with making my paragraphs flow; I jump from idea to idea without transition. However this course was more than just writing, it was discussions, opinions, and relating to world connections. It helped me with my thinking, improving my skills and taking different approaches to making connections. As a reader, I always read text as if they were just words. The book club that we did in class made me realize that they were much more than that.
Before English I had only taken a nursing college class and it didn’t really feel like a college class because I was doing something I really liked. In the English class it was like a real college course and I had to actually sit there and listen to a professor, it was so boring at times; but writing the papers was fun. I had learned to write fast and efficiently. I didn’t know what deadlines were and how serious they were until this class. If you missed one assignment another would be quickly following, and soon you would have five papers to write and they would all be due the next day. I learned this the hard way when I missed doing an assignment and had to stay up all night writing papers. It was hard to adapt to college life but I got the hang of things after a while. I feel very much prepared for college thanks to this course. I learned to manage my time wisely, having to juggle college courses as well as my high school classes. At first I didn’t know if I really wanted to continue my education at a college, I didn’t think I was ready to transition into that life. I still have to improve on things needed to be successful in college, but I believe I have learned enough to make it through the next level. Now I feel well prepped and ready for whatever life throws at
When I first started the class I was struggling a lot. Since English is my second language, I had many stressful moments that made me think about dropping my classes. But when I thought about my future, I just kept studying even harder, waiting for my performance to improve. As a result, I felt like every time I wrote an essay, it got easier, which tells me that I’m on the right path. In addition, this class has helped me improve my grammar, taught me an important life lesson about sticking on my goal and helped me to enhance my computer skills
During my first semester here at Stout I learned lot in all my classes but especially in my Composition 1 class. As I did not have the greatest English teachers in the past this semester was very helpful to me. Not only was I able to expand my composition skills but also how to think and develop my writing even further. I could apply these new skills in my speech class as well and it gave me a better help when preparing and presenting my speeches.
I have only been attending Cleveland State University for two semesters, and as this course comes to an end I feel like I grown and learned many techniques more than ever. I came to Cleveland State University with only my high school knowledge on how to format an argumentative essay, and throughout this course I now know how to write and format many other papers. Taking English 100 has taught me how to break down and analyze an article, it taught me how to find confidence in my work, and it helped me grow to an even better writer.