
Supported Economic Addictions

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Government Supported Economic Addictions The American Economy is the largest economy in the world; what happens in the economy affects everyone and it has a direct effect on governance. Top United States markets such as the food, alcohol, tobacco and drug industries depend on addiction for profit. Furthermore, what hurts the economy becomes a nationwide threat, which is the reason why the nation is still marketing addiction. The larger the market, the easier it is to cause an addiction on the consumer and the easier it is to bring in larger profits and grow the economy. There is a push for new policies implemented in the food industry to combat addictions, however this will not happen. The entire population is reliant on the economy, so when …show more content…

Children, however, are more susceptible to media influence because they are more naive. Due to this naivety, children are not aware of the truth behind many things and will believe most anything one tells them, making them perfect targets for advertisements. Fast food companies, particularly McDonald’s, target children through Happy Meals. Cereal companies target children with cute mascots and toys inside the box. A company who took an alternative route to market to children was Kraft and their product, Lunchables. Kraft knew that ultimately, parents were deciding what their children were to eat at lunch and decided to market especially to busy mothers. The parents bought Lunchables for the conveniency but also because their children genuinely like the product. The procedure of appealing to parents in order to market to children is not a new concept however. “Kraft’s early Lunchables campaign targeted mothers. They might be too distracted by work to make a lunch, but they loved their kids enough to offer them this prepackaged gift,” (Moss 268). Parents, eager to please their children, will then buy the food products that their children want, which is not always healthy and this is where the addiction starts. People, including children fall into routines; at lunch time, children want their regular Lunchables. If not given these food products, a “temper tantrum” will ensue or they simply will not eat what they are …show more content…

In reality, many food products have an underlying addiction both psychologically and physically. Food has many addictive qualities, one concept is vanishing caloric density. “If something melts down quickly, your brain thinks that there’s no calories in it … you can keep eating it forever,” (Moss 271). In terms of potato chips, “The coating of the salt, the fat content that rewards the brain with instant feelings of pleasure, the sugar that exists not as an additive but in the starch of the potato itself—all of this combines to make it the perfect addictive food…The starch, in turn, causes the glucose levels in the blood to spike—which can insult in a craving for more,” (Moss

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