
Supporting Early Language Development

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If I had to give advice to close friends of mine who just recently became first time parents on how to nourish their infant’s physical development my biggest suggestion would have to be the proper nutrition. When it comes to newborns the best type of nutrition is breastfeeding. When I use to work in the hospital as a newborn photographer I would always hear all the positive things the lactation consultants would have to say to first time moms on the importance of breastfeeding. It is not just about the bond that it creates with the baby while breastfeeding, but also all the antibodies and nutrients being high in fact and low in protein. Breast-feeding not only transfers antibodies but also other infection-fighting agents from mother to child and enhances functioning of other immune systems (Berk 131). Although for a working mom after returning from maternity leave breastfeeding a baby for every meal might pose its difficulties. I would encourage my friend to try things like pumping while at work and substituting those meals with formula. Nutrition is especially crucial for developing in the first two years because the baby’s brain and body are growing so rapidly (Berk 130). Being able to breast feed for this long would provide a baby with the best nutrition but even being able to breastfeed for a period …show more content…

As infants listen to spoken language, babbling expands to include a broader range of sounds (Berk 176) this is why it is important to be an active communicator towards your child at an early age, which they respond to with eye contact. As children acquire language that part of the cortex develops because it is constantly absorbing information. Having verbal stimulation usually leads to children developing a larger vocabulary. Simple things like nursery rhymes, hand games like patty cake, and singing your ABC’s are all good way to promote language

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