
Supporting Influences in the Process of Special Education

Decent Essays

How does the role of the Response to Intervention process (RTI), and the Positive Behavior Interventions and Support (PBIS) structure influence the pre-referral process for special education? In today’s time it is of common practice to use the RTI method for academic issues. Likewise, the PBIS framework is used for issues dealing with unfavorable characteristics in student behavior. Each method is widely known and looked on as a favorable approach. Both RTI and PBIS are very important in addressing students during the pre-referral process, and each plays a very significant role. In the following essay the aforementioned question of their role and influence will be explored and answered. In addressing the role of the Response to Intervention process (RTI), one must first become familiar with the premise of this process. RTI is a method that is used to address school aged children that are showing evidence of academic struggle. At the beginning of the pre-referral process, educators identify struggling pupils. Following this identification, these same teachers begin to explore several avenues of remediation through highly recommended research based approaches. An approach is selected, implemented, and the child’s progress is documented fully. If solid evidence of success is discovered, through the implementation of a given program, then the process is concluded because success has been met. However, if there is solid evidence that proves that the program is unsuccessful then

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