
Surviving Twins In Twins

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Twins are at a greater risk to be diagnosed with cerebral palsy than singletons. If one twin dies during infancy or a fetal death, the surviving twin has a higher potential of being diagnosed with cerebral palsy. A survey was conducted in England and Wales to compare birthweight specific cerebral palsy and to analyze was there a connection between cerebral palsy and like-sex and unlike-sex twins, also did the death of a twin sibling increase the chances of the surviving twin having cerebral palsy. The birth weight was a factor in the survey due to a higher occurrence of preterm births in twins. If a child is born pre-mature, he or she is at a higher risk of hypoxic ischaemic cerebral impairment. Data was gathered on all the registered twins born in 1994 and 1995. The twins where one died and the other survived was part of the sample. Also part of the sample group was whether the twins were of like or unlike sex. Two different national surveys were completed to analyze any significance between the surviving twin being diagnosed with cerebral palsy, and if the twins were the same sex. One of the surveys was completed by the general practitioner inquiring whether the surviving twin had cerebral …show more content…

One of the results from the surveys is that if a surviving twin is the same sex, then the chances of the survivor being diagnosed with cerebral palsy are greatly increased. However, that was questioned in the article if there was enough of a difference to statistically verify this statement. There is a connection between low birth weight and multiple pregnancies; both are a risk factor in cerebral palsy. If one of the twins died, there was a higher occurrence of cerebral palsy for twins that were like sex than unlike sex. Same sex twins that were born with a low birth rate were at a higher rate of being diagnosed with cerebral

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