
Susan B Anthony Women's Suffrage

Decent Essays

“There will never be complete equality until women themselves help to make laws and elect lawmakers,” Anthony said this in 1897 (Documented). This quote shows how strongly Anthony feels about women’s suffrage, because she knows that it is her basic human right to be able to vote. Susan B. Anthony’s involvement in civil disobedience was due to personal influence, she chose to participate in civil disobedience to protest for women’s suffrage, and she did make a difference in the cause of women’s suffrage but never seen the day that women got the right to vote. Civil Disobedience is when you break a law to protest for something you believe in (Suber). People use civil disobedience because they believe it is a nonviolent way yo get a point across …show more content…

Anthony agreed with Douglass and wanted to make a change. Anthony got arrested for voting in a election illegally but she does not stop fighting for her right to vote. Anthony’s verdict was guilty and she was fined $100, that she would never pay (Susan House). She started fighting for women's suffrage after she was not allowed to speak at temperance rallies because she was a women (Susan Story). She started fighting for women’s rights when she met a women named Elizabeth Cady Stanton, and they fought for women’s rights (Harper). Anthony always fought for what she believed she would go around and give speeches, get people to sign petitions for women’s suffrage, anti-slavery, and married women’s property rights ( Abolitionist, …show more content…

Anthony did achieve success from civil disobedience, however, she never got to the the day that women got the right to vote. Fourteen years after Anthony died the 19th Amendment that granted women the right to vote was passed. She had so much drive for women’s suffrage that Stanton and her founded National Woman Suffrage Association and a weekly published “The Revolution” that fought for women’s rights (Susan History.) Nothing hindered Anthony’s drive to fight for women’s suffrage. On Anthony’s 86th birthday she gave a speech in Washington, D.C. (Susan House). The 19th Amendment was nicknamed the Susan B. Anthony amendment because women over 20 in the United States could now vote (Susan House). In honor of Susan B. Anthony the U.S. Treasury Department put her on one dollar coins (Susan History). Jimmy Carter was the president that signed off on Susan B. Anthony Dollar Coin Act. Anthony was the first lady to be on a circulated United States coin (Susan

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