
Suspension Benefits Of Online Schools

Decent Essays

What is the advantage of school suspensions? Are school suspensions helping kids? Are schools losing more kids to suspension everyday? Some teachers think that suspension is helping troubled kids, but eventually those kids will just drop out of school. Troubled kids no not really care about getting suspended because they can just do online school. Although some schools think suspending students is helping it really isn’t because kids will probably eventually drop out, they can do online school at home, and they don’t get the help they need.
If kids get suspended they will most likely drop out later on. A 2011 study said that “Students that have been suspended are three times more likely to drop out of school” While Baltimore City schools have dramatically reduced suspensions, the drop out rate has been cut nearly in half. Although some people think suspension is the only way to help misbehaving students, it is not. Cindy from the Turners Fall High School can argue that. Instead of getting suspended she talked with one of the faculty members about what happened. If Cindy did not talk with an adult she probably would’ve later on not come back to school or dropped out. …show more content…

Most kids would even like online school more than going to school. Kids that get suspended most likely do not mind because with online school they can just sit at home doing work on the computer, not have to get up early, and not have to get ready. What kid wouldn’t want to do that? Misbehaved students probably find that as more of a vacation from school then from a suspension. Studies have show that online school is proven easier, therefore the student does not learn anything new. Relearning classes is not good for the students because they will get bored and

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