
Sweatshops Thesis Statement

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Thesis statement: Sweatshops, when left to operate without government intervention, are the most efficient way of out poverty.
Introductory rationale: When it comes to social justice issues, most people believe the government needs to solve the problem. Social justice in sweatshops is no exception. In my research, I have found that what people see as the cause of injustice in developing countries, sweatshops, are actually what is responsible for lifting people up out of poverty. As a result, any sort of government regulation will fail to solve the problem. The audience I am writing for is a diverse group of peers who are concerned with social justice though they may have different solutions and beliefs about the topic. My goal in this draft is to expand their knowledge and show them the benefits of not interfering with the free market.
I. Claim 1: Sweatshops increase the standards of living for the workers and their communities
1. Evidence:
1) “Where Sweatshops Are a Dream” is a short article in favor of sweatshops. The author talks about how the living standards rose due to sweatshops when he was a kid (Kristof). This article has a personal story from the author about improving conditions. This makes for a good pathos argument.
2) In the interview with the Mises Institute called, “Sweatshops: A Way Out of Poverty,” Powell talks about how living standards rise in areas with sweatshops as well as how sweatshops actually pay well in comparison to other jobs (Powell,

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