
Sweet Potato Pie Eugenia Collier

Decent Essays

Eugenia Collier “SWEET POTATO PIE” Sukhanova E. LP31/2
Eugenia W. Collier (born 1928) is an African-American writer and critic best known for her 1969 short story "Marigolds". She was born in Baltimore, Maryland, USA. Collier 's collection, Breeder and Other Stories, was released in 1993. She has also published a play, Ricky, based on her short story of the same name. Other texts that Collier has written or contributed to include are Impressions in Asphalt: Images of Urban America (1999), A Bridge to Saying It Well (1970), Sweet Potato Pie (1972) and others.

Recently we’ve read one of her stories Sweet Potato Pie which is about the youngest boy in the poor family became a …show more content…

And the author uses a lot of dialogs to show us the actions and also the relationships between two brothers.

Due to the tone of the story we could see the compassion and sympathy, shown by the author. Eugenia raises rather difficult social problems. The first one is the relationships in a family, especially when children start their own adult life and leave family. The second one is the problem of social status in a

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