
Swimming Monologue

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I wake up barely dawn, when the early morning is still unpleasantly chilly and most of my peers are comfortably cuddled in their blankets. I, on the other hand, will dive into the pool. My weary limbs urging me to go back to bed, but my ambitious heart encouraging me to move forward. I keep going, training, and racing for the next two and a half hour; everyday, until my arms are too tired to lift my aching body out of the pool. Some days were easy. I had motivation and full of energy. Others, were much more difficult and I had to improvise, adapt, and overcome.
Swimming is an integral part of my life—between training at swim practice, lifeguarding and teaching swimming lessons, I rarely spend any time on land. Swimming for the Allen High School; Varsity Team has …show more content…

It has taught me the value of sportsmanship and teamwork. My teammates and I have become confidants to each other, as we challenge and encourage each other to become better in everything that we do even at 6:00 a. m. in the morning. Swimming not only helped me see that there will always be room for improvement, but I am also motivated to push myself to the limits in the friendly competitive setting. Getting to see and observe the competition allows me to see where I want to set my next goal and where I could improve wherever it be technique or time. Walking up at 5:30 a.m. for six days a week for the grueling two and a half hour practice has developed my self-discipline, as well as taught me how to manage my time efficiently and prioritize. With my busy schedule of work, school, and extracurricular activities, I have to be able to squeeze in everything along with sleep or sacrifice some matters over another sometimes. I have turned down

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