
Swing States Advantages

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Swing state is a US state where the two major political parties have similar levels of support among voters, viewed as important in determining the overall result of a presidential election. These votes from these states usually decide which candidate will be elected. In 2012, there were nine swing states, which were: “Colorado, Florida, Iowa, Nevada, New Hampshire, North Carolina, Ohio, Virginia and Wisconsin.” (Cillizza). The swing states have various number of electoral votes depending on their region, but there are only nine of them. Whereas, there are the forty-two other states, which have higher individual party votes. Swing states should not be the only states that matter as they only represent the minority of the population. The swing states are widely spread over the United States, which means that the voters base their votes off various reasons. The swing states can be beneficial to candidates as they have an even amount of supporters for the running parties. Considering this, determining the winning party may be difficult in these states due to even the slightest changes in the margins of votes. According to Politico, Obama had 48.0% votes in Virginia, while Romney had 47.7% votes. Clearly, here we can see that any party can win if they have the higher margin. In this case, Obama had 0.3% higher than Romney, which allowed …show more content…

This means that the other states can have a higher impact on the final decision. According to the ElectionVotes.txt file, California has 54 electoral votes, but it is not a swing state. Considering this, winning California’s electoral votes would help a candidate win, even if they lost from smaller states or swing states. In the ElectionData.txt file, it shows that Obama had 7.8 million popular votes from California, while Romney had 4.8 million popular votes. Clearly, winning California was beneficial to

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