
Swot Analysis Of Business Expansion Into China

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The following is a Research paper on China in order to provide a SWOT analysis for business expansion into China. The report will highlight important factors that may impact your organizations success. Some considerations are in the specific region in China that will best suit your company as well as political, economic and cultural impacts for your line of business. The report will summarize the data your organization will need to be aware of in order to make your business decision.

Research Paper for SWOT Analysis for China
China may be an attractive country for US firms who are seeking to expand their business and enter the Global Market for import and experts of goods and services. Also, China has a cheaper and large workforce that is attractive to firms who want to raise their revenues by expanding productions abroad. The details in this report will provide feedback on the important impacts of doing business in China. The overview will address the following categories: Geographic considerations, demographics, political system, economy, cultural issues, communication, transportation and technology, a brief overview of the military, transnational issues and labor considerations.

China is situated in the eastern area of Asia between “North Korea and Vietnam, and is bordered by 4 waterways including the East China Sea, Korea Bay, Yellow Sea and South China Sea” ( “China also borders Afghanistan, Bhutan, Burma, India, Kazakhstan, North

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