
Swot Of Red Bull

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Red bull is the market leader in energy drinks. Red bull was found by Dietrich Matchitz while he was visiting Thailand. Technially the formula was made by a man named Chaleo Yoovidhy, who was providing to people to help keep them awake. In Thailand it was reffered to as Krating Daeng. Dietrich tried out krating daeng himself and discovered that it works, primarly because it helped him with jet lag. Dietrich went back to Thailand and collaborated with chaleo into making it a better tasting formula and naming the product Red Bull. Red Bulls popular slogan “red bull gives you wings” brought consumer awareness to the drink. Red bull became popular to men, athletes, students who need cram in a study session and those who work graveyard shift. By 2010 Red Bull was made available in 162 countries. Red bulls main main competitors are Rockstar and Monster energy drinks. Also big corporations such as coca-cola and pepsi. However coca-cola and pepsi do not hold much market share in the energy drink industry, which enables Red bull to keep the lead. They do offer diiferent flavors such as vanilla coke, cherry pepsi etc. Red Bulls line only has one flavor.
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Red bull is the leader in energy drinks due to strong brand

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