
Symbolism In 1955 By Alice Walker

Decent Essays

Everything in our surroundings carries a symbolic meaning through religion, spiritual, linguist and/ or astrological aspects. Anything can be symbolic within a plot from materialistic objects to the characters. In Alice Walker’s short essay titled “1955”, there are a variety of literary elements that symbolize important factors within the story’s plot. However, in the story “1955” the characters appear to hold more value towards symbolism than inanimate objects. Although many individuals would point out Gracie Mae and/or her song are main points in the story, the supporting character –Traynor ̶ holds the story’s overall meaning of why it was written. Traynor’s reason in the story is to symbolize a misguided individual who lacks the ability …show more content…

This appears to contain a huge amount of significance towards Traynor as he is constantly asked about the meaning of the song by people who have heard his version of the song. He lives his life with uncertainty and compares certain parts of the song to similar situations in life to figure out a meaning he believes the song illustrates. Case in point, “That's part of what the song means, ain't it? No need to grieve. Whatever it is, there's plenty more down the line”(Walker 6). In this sentence, Walker took a common feeling everyone experiences – in this case it is grief ̶ and turned it into a deeper context of what is an expected feeling people will encounter many times in their lifetime. Challenges and obstacles cause many emotions to rise but grief will always arrive and become more frequently experience as time wears on. Grief will be a constant emotion that whatever the source of sorrow is now means nothing compared to the amount of suffering life throws upon you. It also creates a loss of hope as people start to lose their understanding of “the big picture” in life and makes them question everything in their surroundings. Walker uses this as an advantage to give the reader some common ground to connect with Traynor. Since Traynor is lost and unable to come up with an understanding for Gracie’s song, he cannot fully grasp what he is singing if he does not know the song’s purpose. “He said: You meet ‘em for no reason. You date ‘em for no reason. You marry ‘em for no reason. I do it all but I swear it’s like somebody else doing it. I feel like I can’t remember life”(Walker 8). To add a deeper examination on the text, Walker includes this sentence to show Traynor’s lack of feeling on what it was to be human. After doing certain things the song lyrics appear to say he has lost he’s way of being able to enjoy the simple things in life. After spending so much

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