
Symbolism In Chronicle Of A Death Foretold

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Image a town where a known murder took place right before a large majorities eyes, yet the murderers were excused in court. No one in the town tried hard to prevent the murder – even with the knowledge that it would take place – and when the murderer became the blackened in front of a crowd of these people, they were all stunned. This sounds completely unconventional, yet the events just described took place in Colombia in 1951. Through a novel, Gabriel Garcia Marquez portrayed the real events in Chronicle of a Death Foretold from his firsthand experience. How did something like this even occur? The motive for the murder was created from the Cult of Machismo: the Hispanic concept that males have an uncontrollable sexual appetite that must be satisfied at any expense This connects and influences the occurrences through the traditions of patriarchy, women’s purity and honor in the Cult of Machismo.
Within the novel, the patriarchal make-up of Columbian society stems from ideals held in the Cult of Machismo. A patriarchy is a system that grants men the power and largely excludes women. Particularly under the Cult of Machismo, laws provided male family members legal authority in their homes and established restrictions on women for their “protection;” nonetheless, reality was women were “protected” to keep them submissive. In that, men and women hold radically different standards – unlike men, women are expected to behave a very specific way. In the novel, this is displayed

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