
Symbolity Of Ralph In The Flies By William Golding

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Golding’s parody of a children’s adventure novel centers on the relationship of both these main character’s symbolism. The novel follows Ralph’s narrative, from which readers realize his progressing maturity and will-power to hold on to democratic values in modern world. Jack however, is symbolic for man’s ‘essential illness’ which culminates to chaos and moral deterioration. Initially, the difference between the two boys isn’t overtly illustrated. They both seem to share ‘mutual liking’ and respect for another, and Ralph agrees to split the group of boys and role of ‘chief’ between them. Nevertheless, the first increment Golding expresses is through the characterization of Ralph as ‘fair’ in appearance. The homophone, and simultaneously a abstract noun, establish the motif of democracy, and therefore indicate Ralph’s democratic methods; which juxtapose Jack’s ‘fierce’ and ‘angry’ face, which immediately connotes with a less liberal, less tolerant leadership in the WW2 satire. However, their friendship becomes more hostile, as priorities differ. Ralph, who initially seizes the opportunity to ‘have some fun,’ becomes much more interested in being ‘rescued.’ He constantly holds assemblies, exasperating the importance of control and order. Structurally, however, numerous times, the first glamour hinting the chaos unfolding is the repetition of ‘clamor’, which insinuates certain bedlam or disquiet, which could foreshadow chaos to unfold later on. Additionally, when Jack, on

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