
Symbols In Macbeth Essay

Decent Essays

The final act of Shakespeare’s Macbeth is the culmination of the entire play, and Shakespeare uses heavy symbolism to portray the final ideas of this tragedy. In the first scene, it is revealed that Lady Macbeth has been sleepwalking, an expression of her anxiety. However, the Doctor asks “How came she by that light” (i. 23) and why “she rubs // her hands” (i. 28-29). Throughout the play, Lady Macbeth has been wrought with guilt because of Duncan’s death. Now, she has an ever-burning candle always at her side. This candle represents her state of mind, with the lit wick her guilt that constantly eats away at her. Additionally, she rubs her hands because, in her state of dream, she is washing them to wash the blood off. These images were used …show more content…

– …Come sir, dispatch. – … again. – Pull’t off it, I say. –” (iii. 60-66). Each line break is a break of the poetry and symbolic of the unraveling of Macbeth. Additionally, while Macbeth unravels, he asks his servant Seyton, an allusion in his own rite, to put on and take off his armor multiple times, a verbal indication of this disorder. However, it goes deeper than just the words themselves, but the division of the scenes is symbolic of this unraveling. While Shakespeare did not write his plays into scenes, the constant change of character and location within Act V in stark contrast to many longer scenes from the rest of the play make apparent the undoing of Macbeth. Finally, the death of Macbeth is the ultimate symbol within the end. Up until this point, every character had died in the night (except for Young Siward) and an unnatural darkness had consumed most of the play. At the time of the final battle, the sun, a symbol of good and victory, shines high over Macbeth’s defeat. This moment culminates the conflicts of evil and good, night and day, Macbeth and Scotland, and restores the order to the chain of being. Though this dynamic symbolism, Macbeth brings an end to Macbeth and his regime, restoring peace to

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