
Symptoms And Effects Of Major Depression

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Despite an increase in the percentage of people who acknowledge symptoms of depression in 2010 in comparison to the 1980’s, according to San Diego State University’s Jean Twenge, there is not an increase in the number of people willing to admit that they suffer from this mood disorder (S.D. University, 2014). Consequently, it leaves one questioning how many of these individuals are proceeding in regular life routines while allowing the disturbances of mood to escalate; thus, increasing the symptoms and effects of major depression (Nevid, 2015, p. 504). According to Nevid, the percentage of those remaining untreated is approximately fifty percent, with the percentages being highest amongst Latinos and African Americans (Nevid, 2015). Additionally, it is known that the recurrence of major depression, which is considered the most common type of depressive disorder, characterized by a downcast disposition, an outlook of insignificance, and a lack of interest to engage in normal activities, is highly likely (Nevid, 2015, p. 505). Moreover, this form of depression is often accompanied by fatigue, sleep issues, changes in eating habits, anxiety, guilt, irritability, concentration difficulties, bodily discomforts, and suicidal thoughts (Nevid, 2015, p. 505). Consequently, having grasped an understanding of this form of depression, it is important to recognize the various psychological causes that are believed to attribute to this emotional disturbance. First, we can consider

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