
Synergistic Model Of Amazon

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From the above mentioned characteristics, it is safe to conclude that Amazon employs a synergistic approach using both agile and lean concepts in their management strategy adopted. Both strategies are designed to keep companies equally competitive by increasing business sustainability and revenue through various measures. For a company as widely diversified as Amazon no single strategy can suit the entire organization while still achieving high levels of customer satisfaction, thus explaining their choice to make the best use of both approaches. Relationship between Amazon and its suppliers While Amazon may be the one in the limelight, there is a lot going on behind-the-scenes that creates their success story. Amazon early on recognized the importance of good relationships and predictably its collaboration with its manufacturers and suppliers plays a key role in their success today. Some of the main drivers that have led to successful collaborative relationships between Amazon and its suppliers are: • Amazon mandates all suppliers in its supply chain to abide by its ‘Supplier Code of Standards and Responsibilities’, ensuring that all …show more content…

For instance, with Amazon offering same-day shipping, communication is vital at every level for them to be able to achieve this service. The consumers want to know where their shipment is at any point in the day. Such services have created the need for companies to have the capability to interact with consumers quickly and efficiently at every point along the supply chain. Companies can no longer plan their working hours and respond to consumers when convenient for them. The only way suppliers can achieve the pro-activeness and speed that is needed to compete in the online marketplace is by monitoring and reacting to customer needs in real

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