
Synthesis Of L-Phenylalanine Lab Report

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Inorder to prepare the aqueous solution of LPAPCl, stoichiometric amounts of L-phenylalanine and perchloric acid were taken in the ratio 2:1 which were dissolved in double distilled water. To produce LPAPCL, L-phenylalanine and perchloric acid has undergone the following chemical reaction in deionized water.
2(C9H11NO2) +HClO4 C9H11NO2 .C9H12NO2+.ClO4¯
By evaporating the solvent, the synthesized salt of LPAPCl was obtained from the solution and the precipitate that formed at the bottom of the container which has the solution was collected. Solubility corresponds to saturation i.e. to equilibrium between a solid and its solution at a given temperature and pressure. This states that the chemical potential of the pure …show more content…

The temperature of the bath was initially set at 30°C.Using acrylic sheet containing a hole at the center, the beaker was closed through which a spindle from an electric motor placed on the top of the sheet was introduced into the solution.For stirring the solution,at the end of the rod, a Teflon paddle was attached. The saturation of the solution was confirmed by adding the synthesized salt in small amounts and using a motorized stirrer the solution was stirred which was continued till the formation of precipitate.Throughout the entire volume of the solution the stirring confirmed to have a uniform temperature and concentration. Gravimetrically, the equilibrium concentration of the solution was analyzed after attainment of saturation. By means of a warmed pipette, a 20ml of the clear supernatant liquid was withdrawn and into a clean, dry and weighed empty Petri dish the same was poured. Until the solvent gets completely evaporated, the solution was kept for slow evaporation in a heating mantle.By weighing the Petri dish with salt,the mass of LPAPCl in 20ml of solution was determined and hence determined the amount of LPAPCl salt (in gram) dissolved in 100 ml of water.For various temperatures such as 30, 35, 40, 45and 50C the same procedure was repeated and the estimation of the solubility of

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