
Synthetic Chemicals In Frankenstein

Decent Essays

Rachel Carson’s research created controversy over the use of synthetic chemicals, but it also set the platform for the movement of environmental protection making herself the first known environmentalist. She tore down the idea that nature was too powerful to be influenced by humankind. The use of chemicals disrupts the delicate natural cycle of life which all living things depend on. From scientific revolution to industrial revolution the use of scientific development to alter ones relationship with nature has vastly changed. Shelly first explored scientific revolution in her novel Frankenstein. She writes about a curious young man named Victor who uses science to create a monster. Victor creates this monster without any repercussion to …show more content…

The film is about a Navajo Astronaut named Tazbah Redhouse who is a pilot on the first spaceship that is to colonize Mars. In order to achieve this mission they use genetically engineered crops to help them produce oxygen on board as well as create food and oxygen on planet Mars. Mars is not like Earth, where life on Earth is natural, life on Mars will be forced and unnatural. A Navajo general tries to take a sacred and natural corn crop onto the spaceship but is stopped as the astronauts claim it will not be ‘useful’ for the operation. The Navajo general critiques the members aboard the ship explaining that his corn is holy and natural which will be more useful to them in Mars. However, they refuse and believe that their GMO corn will be better suited. This is not the case as the film progresses. Something goes wrong with their “hydroponic crop chambers” (2:07) that allows them to produce oxygen and the only thing that is able to save them from dying is the sacred corn. This symbolizes how humankind once again believes they are better, or superior, to nature until they are left with no choice but to be one with

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