Causative Agent: Treponema pallidum
Disease: Syphilis
Classification of the causative agent:
• Gram – bacteria
• Spiral in shape (spirochete, belonging to family Spirochaeticea)
• Cannot grow on standard media culture (the are considered microaerophilic)
• The bacterial disease Syphilis has been known since the dawn of the New World, since the arrival of Christopher Columbus in 1492.
• It has been known to be one of the most common infections in world, next to gonorrhea (Neisseria gonorrhoeae). Syphilis is a sexually transmitted disease (STD) but can also be transmitted from mother to fetus (known as congenital syphilis).
• The spirochete is able to pass through intact mucous membranes or broken skin, thus rendering it transmissible
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• In 1767 an English physician by the name of John Hunter inoculated himself with pus from a patient thought to have had symptoms of gonorrhea and in fact gave himself syphilis. It was not until 1879 that the causative agent of gonorrhea was discovered and correctly described by Albert Ludwig Sigesmund Neisser; the pathogen was named in his honor (could you imagine having an STD named after you?). A few years later Neisser documented the effects of gonorrhea in volunteer human test subjects.
• An interesting fact is that squamous epithelium is not a susceptible tissue for the bacteria to harbor. Squamous epithelium tissue is that of the adult vagina. However, the prepubescent vagina is not yet formed with squamous epithelium and is susceptible to the bacteria.
• Having a case of gonorrhea is associated with an increased risk of developing prostate cancer.
• Slang terms include “the clap”, Gleet, Morning Drip, and Running Rage
Virulence factors of the causative
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Conversely, symptoms may not develop for up to 30 days. Gonorrhea may not cause symptoms until the infection has spread to other areas of the body.
Signs and symptoms: Men:
• A burning sensation when urinating;
• A white, yellow, or green discharge from the penis
• Painful or swollen testicles (although this is less common)
• Some men with gonorrhea may have no symptoms at all. Women:
• Painful or burning sensation when urinating
• Increased vaginal discharge
• Vaginal bleeding between periods.
• Most women with gonorrhea do not have any symptoms. Even when a woman has symptoms, they are often mild and can be mistaken for a bladder or vaginal infection. Both:
• Discharge
• Anal itching
• Soreness
• Bleeding
• Painful bowel movements.
If untreated, gonorrhea can increase a person's risk of acquiring or transmitting HIV.
Testing for gonorrhea can be completed by analyzing a urine sample or a swab of an affected area. Swab samples are commonly taken from the penis, cervix, urethra, anus, and throat. Previous infection does not confer immunity - a person who has been infected can become infected again by exposure to someone who is
To suggest the reasoning behind Whitman's valorization of motherhood one does not have to look further than his own biography. Some Whitman critics such as Sherry Ceniza call his mother, Louisa Van Velsor, his "strongest influence" and the reason that he had such strong admiration for women (). Similarly, Vivian Pollak has noted that for Whitman his own mother was the ideal women (). I further this idea to say that from his admiration for his own mother grew his admiration and idealization of women as mothers. Whitman grew up in a household with six siblings, two sisters and four brothers.
Gonorrhea is a sexually transmitted disease that however, can be transmitted through sharing of sex toys and can also be transmitted "from mother to child during vaginal delivery." (Women's Health Zone, 2011) The work of Brooks (nd) states "People usually report symptoms 2-15 after exposure, although some people show no symptoms at all. Men are more likely to notice symptoms than are women. Males with asymptomatic urethritis are important reservoirs for transmission and are at increased risk for developing complications. If there are symptoms, both male and females usually have white/yellow discharge, dysuria, and irritation or
STD’s have been around for a long time, dating back to 1550 B.C. During this time the first recorded form of an STD was found. They were reported to be found in Europe. Gonorrhea and Syphilis are recorded to be the two most common diseases in Europe. Some men on Christopher Columbus’s voyage brought back syphilis with them. Syphilis causes progressive destruction of the brain and spinal cord, leading to mental dysfunction and hallucinations, speech problems and general paresis (G. Burg). The common knowledge of STD’s have been around but have not been able to be treated up until around the late 1700s.
There are two theories to its nature: that it was brought over through the Columbian Exchange, and that it was present in the Americas before Columbus’ first voyage (123). Some theories state that it existed in the Old World in a mild form, then with the arrival of the Europeans, it mutated into the killer the Native Americans knew it as (126). It seems more likely that the disease existed in the Old World prior to 1493, since there are no records of syphilis on the voyage (137). Another theory presents the idea that syphilis is worldwide, but has different names and forms in different regions (142). Whatever the case, the disease is transmitted sexually, and the Europeans knew it to be an epidemic when the allegiance to marital fidelity crumbled in a society (148). Popular remedies for syphilis were mercury and guaiacum (153). A regular intake of mercury was known to cure syphilis, but the metal itself killed the patient (153). The New World provided another possible cure in the form of guaiacum wood, which made the patient sweat profusely in hopes to literally “sweat” the disease out of their system (152). Syphilis ruthlessly killed thousands of Native Americans during its run, but by the 17th century, it became considered a dangerous, but bearable infection
During sexual intercourse, the bacteria is transferred from the sore of the person and enters the moist membranes of the sexual partner’s penis, vagina, mouth, or rectum. Once the bacteria enter the body, it multiplies at a fast rate. The bacteria enter the lymph circulation, which carries the bacteria to adjacent lymph glands, which swells as a response to the infection. During the first stages of the disease, which is called primary syphilis and lasts for a few weeks, sores and ulcers begin to develop, particularly in the genital area of the victim. Blood tests during this stage may not reveal the disease yet, but the bacteria can be scraped from the sores. Eventually, the sores will heal, and the victim may recover from the disease without any treatment.
In some cases, there may not be any symptoms for this condition, especially early in the infection stage. If there are symptoms, they are usually mild, and may only be noticeable in the morning. Symptoms you may notice include:
Millions of people worldwide are diagnosed with sexually transmitted infections every year. There are many various types of sexually transmitted infections. It is not unusual for most of these infections to show no symptoms. However, when symptoms are present, they can be very harmful, embarrassing, and painful. To avoid the dangers of sexually transmitted infections, it is vital to be aware of the different types of infections and how to avoid them.
The most important, and limiting factor about gonorrhea is that it is transmitted sexually. This serves to relief some but put others in more danger. All sexually active
Thoreau, an avid transcendentalist, not only loved to speak about isolationism in society but also about politics as well. Despite many discrepancies in his contradictory beliefs, his writings of civil disobedience were essentially the first embers of revolutionary principles. Government, at its core, exists to protect the people and their freedoms while taking in account the majority interest. Citizens expect to be assured the basics of life such as security, wellbeing, and sometimes, something as simple as living. Unfortunately, we see many governments deviate from this standard as they purposely extort money from the poor to fuel their corrupt schemes and many also turn a blind eye to the needy begging at their feet. When a country begins
STDs, are also known as venereal diseases, is a term that refers to more than 50 diseases and syndromes which have been transmitted through the exchange of body fluids such as semen, vaginal fluid, and blood. All though you can contract some STDs, such as herpes and/or HPV, by kissing, caressing, and/or direct contact with infected areas. STDs can be
Syphilis is a bacterial STD caused by the Treponema pallidum bacteria. Syphilis is transmitted “through direct contact with a syphilis sore (“STD Facts-Syphilis” 2010).” The contagious sores can be chancre sores, which occur in the
To have a test done to check for the presence of syphilis, you must see a physician who then swabs the ulcer or sore and sends it off to the lab where it is then checked for the infection. A simple blood test can also detect the infection as well if you don’t have any current signs.
Syphilis is one of the oldest sexually transmitted diseases in the world. The first recording of Syphilis was in Europe in 1495, but there is believed to be earlier cases that weren’t recognized. “The transatlantic origin of syphilis is still controversial as there was evidence of an endemic syphilis in Asia Minor before 1492” (JG, 1990) . There has not been a definitive origin for this disease and there were several different hypotheses on how it came to the United States. There have been 2 main theories proposed. The first was the New World or Columbian theory and the Old World or pre-Columbian theory. The first theory holds that the syphilis endemic started in the part of the world now known as Haiti and was then acquired and carried to Europe by Columbus in the 1400s. The second theory, pre-Columbian theory implies that syphilis began in central Africa and was brought to Europe prior to the voyage by Columbus. Recent studies have shown genetic differences between these organisms. Regardless of where the beginning of syphilis started, by 1495 a widespread syphilis epidemic had spread throughout Europe, and then on to India in 1498 and China in 1505. Since its discovery in Europe there have been many speculations that many famous ranging from political figures, musicians and some literary greats may have had syphilis. Some of those were Adolf Hitler, Ivan the Terrible, Henry VIII, Shakespeare, Napoleon, Abraham Lincoln, Lenin (Vladimir Ulyanov), Friedrich Nietzsche,
Neisseria gonorrhoeae is the obligate human pathogen that causes the sexually transmitted disease (STD) gonorrhea. This Gram-negative diplococci/gonococci does not infect other animals or experimental animals and does not survive freely in the environment. The gonococcal infection occurs in the upper or lower tract, pharynx, ophthalmic area, rectum, and bloodstream. During the 1980’s gonorrhea was also referred to as “the clap” when public awareness was quite minimal. This was one of the venereal diseases prostitutes hoped to contract since it resulted in infertility by pelvic inflammatory disease (PID). As documentation, diagnostic testing, and public awareness improved, there has been a decline
Reporting for gonorrhea and syphilis began in 1941, but Chlamydia has only been reported since 1984. The data that is reported for genital herpes is available from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey. The number of cases of STDs has increased throughout the years. In the