
Syria's History : The History Of The Country Of Syria

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After the events of World War 1, the country of France attained control over the northern portion of the former Ottoman Empire province of Syria. The area labeled Syria was managed by the French until granting it independence in the year 1946. Due to Syria being mostly desert it has hot, dry, sunny summers between the months of June and August while along its coast having mild, rainy winters between December and February. Syria has a land area of 183,630 square kilometers (sq km) and a water area of 1,550 sq km (1,295 sq km of this area is Israeli-occupied territory), this results in Syria having a total area of 185,180. There are five countries that borders the area around Syria, these countries the area size of their boundaries is “Iraq …show more content…

Following his death, Bashar al-ASAD was approved as president by popular referendum in the same month. Many events have happened since then leading towards the Syrian civil war. On April of 2005 Syrian troops were withdrawn from Lebanon, where they were stationed at since 1976 in an ostensible peacekeeping role. Between the months of July and August in 2006 there was conflict between Israel and Hizballah. During this period, Syria did not intervene directly on behalf of its ally Hizballah, instead they placed their military forces on alert. On May of the following year Bashar al-ASAD's had his second term as president approved once again by popular referendum. Bashar al-ASAD's administration has little lenience for the opposition which lead to nonconformists often being arrested or tortured and in some occurrence killed. “Assad is a member of Syria’s minority Alawite Muslim sect (division)”. This resulted in Alawites having lots of power as they formed the core of Syria's elite security forces while also being favored over other groups for government jobs. All this lead to numerous Sunnis (the nation's majority) resenting the Alawite rule. The Sunnis wanted to remove Assad as president for sectarian reasons and in his place, have a Sunni as president. “In late 2010 and early 2011, a series of prodemocracy movements began in northern Africa and the Middle East”. Protests and against autocratic rule were common to the

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