Northeast Normal University
DATE: JUNE, 2013.
An overview of Nigeria
Educational Structure of Nigeria
Management of the Educational System
Genesis of Teacher Education in Nigeria
Colleges of Education in Nigeria
The National Commission for Colleges of Education (NCCE)
The National Teachers’ Institution (NTI) Kaduna
Lifelong Education
Policy and Practice vis-à-vis Lifelong Education
Lifelong Teacher Education Model
The Challenges to Teacher Education
Suggestions for
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Management of the Educational System
Education in Nigeria is the shared responsibility of the federal, state and local governments. The Federal Ministry of Education plays a dominant role in regulating the education sector, engaging in policy formation and ensuring quality control. However, the federal government is more directly involved with tertiary education than it is with school education, which is largely the responsibility of state (secondary) and local (primary) governments. The education sector is divided into three sub-sectors: basic (nine years), post-basic/senior secondary (three years), and tertiary (four to seven years, depending on the major or course of study). Education in Nigeria is provided by public and private institutions. Education is placed on the concurrent legislative list in the 1999 constitution that provides the legal framework for educational management in Nigeria. This implies that both Federal and State governments have legislative jurisdiction and corresponding functional responsibilities with respect to education. By this arrangement, a few functions are exclusively assigned to the Federal or State government, most of the functions and responsibilities are in fact shared by the three tiers of government. Statutorily, the Federal Ministry of Education (FME) is at the apex of the regulation and management of education in the country and to discharge this mandate, the ministry is
The National Government manage the education system. They are responsible for the education budget for the state system and to ensure that every child of school age receives an education, this is also enforced by local government. They govern the policies of what happens in school with regards to the curriculum. Any changes to be implemented are sent out for input by anyone associated with the education system before being made. Their aim is to educate children
According to the Embassy of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, Abu Dhabi (2013), Nigeria is a country in West Africa that it is primarily composed of three distinct ethnic groups: Hausa/Fulani, Yoruba, and Igbo. Of these groups, the Igbo are known for being the most professionally oriented and independent in the country. English is the primary language, although many Nigerians speak multiple languages, including one or more of the 400 native languages. There are also two major trade languages, pidgin and
Nigeria has been a country in political turmoil for a long time. The country was created in 1914 under British colonial rule and at that time it was considered a protectorate. It was not until 1960 that Nigeria received independence from the United Kingdom. One of Nigeria's problems politically is that it has over three hundred different ethnic groups. The three largest of these are the Hausa-Fulani, Igbo, and Yoruba. At the time of the independence of Nigeria it was split up into three states with each state being under the control of one of the major ethnic groups. The natural resources of the other 297 ethnic groups were exploited for the major three groups,
The major differences between Nigeria and the U.S. is individualism. The reason for that is that Nigeria is a collectivistic society in which the in group take care of them in exchange for loyalty and the U.S. is not as collective as Nigeria because the in group that they are in is looking for exchange for unquestioning loyalty. The U.S. is a loosely knit society and look after themselves and their immediate families only and do not rely on authorities for support and the Nigerians look after themselves and their direct family and everyone takes responsibility for fellow members of their group. In being an individualistic they are taught that they are responsible for themselves and that the world revolves around them. People are taught
The official language of Nigeria is English, as in The United States. This is the main likeness in the communication methods of these two countries. Although most Nigerians do speak English, being fluent in other languages is not rare. There are over 521 languages that have been spoken in Nigeria with at least 9 of them now being extinct (Nwodo, "MUST
Nigeria a country located on the west coast of Africa that is divided into 36 States. The country itself was not created until the British consolidated their colonial power in 1914; however all 36 states wasn’t established until 1996. Nigeria is known for over 527 Languages in which 7 are extinct. Nigeria has a variety of ethnic backgrounds which range from Arabic to Western European. Regardless of Nigerians social status being rural or urban; it is tradition to celebrate births and weddings as well as congregate for funerals; which typically are withheld for a month to gives families from different regions time to arrive back to the country. Nigerians celebrate common holidays that’s also here in America; however the dates are different, for example Independence Day is October 1 and Workers day (Labor Day) is May 1. Music as well as dance is central to the Nigerian culture, and is incorporated with celebrations such as festivals and rural events (
Before we begin, let’s take a look at the country and its environs. Nigeria a former British Colony, located in the western part of Africa, it shares borders with Benin, Cameroun, and Niger. A growing population of 150million, labour force of 51million (70% Agriculture, 10% industry and 20% service), urbanisation is less than 40%, GDP is over $300billion, Per capita income is $2300. Nigeria is blessed with different cultures, languages and ethnic groups (252 in total); this was due to the colonization of the British in the early 19th century (Columbia Encyclopaedia). The British amalgamated its protectorates in 1914 to enable stable control and governance which made them create one Nation of Nigeria formed from all the groups, community and empires around the Niger area under their control. Nigeria had her independence on the 1st of October 1960 and since then various civil wars, political and religious unrest in the country to share power and resources amicably.
African history is extremely important because it contributes to the overall understanding of world history. The historical interaction between Africa and America created a platform for national capitalization. Nigeria is one of the most populated countries in Africa and more specifically it consists of one of the highest amounts of ethnics groups. Nigeria consists of over three hundred different ethnic groups. Language, culture, and values are what differentiate ethnic groups from each other.
Nigeria is a federal constitutional republic in West Africa. We see Nigerian people all over the world at this time. There is a lot of Nigerian in Colorado. They have their own culture and lifestyle. However, it is hard to perform their lifestyle over here. The Nigerian women’s came together to create the Nigerian Women Association of Colorado.
Nigeria is a federal republic, with a presidential system of government which includes the three arms of government namely the executive, legislative, judiciary.
|nations,Nigeria inclusive,among over 250 languages spoken in the country.It is also important to be competent in the use of English as |
The case study for this paper; Adamawa State University Demonstration Secondary School is an establishment of Adamawa State University (ADSU) with the primary purpose of providing secondary education to the university’s staff wards and the host community. This is a public parastatal and has its management board which is partially independent from the university’s management.
Nigeria is small in relation to the United States of America while still being the 32nd largest nation in the world. Despite its size Nigeria has a population of 190,632,261, according to The World Factbook (2017), which is the seventh largest in the world. The President of Nigeria is
The problem with capital punishment is that you can take the life of the killer but can’t take away the damage that's been done. Capital punishment needs to be abolished because it is risking the execution of innocent people, it is killing a person which is cruel and unusual, and it is wasting millions of dollars for the death penalty system.
An experience I feel fortunate to have had, is the Nigerian education system. The Nigerian education system is an irregular, knowledge based system that has yielded a score of 0.425 on the Education Index of the UNDP. As a result of my journey through that education system, I have developed many skills at such a young age. I have learned to take initiative in my classes, because, a common tradition in Nigerian schools is for teachers to test students on topics not covered and justify those actions by giving students a scheme of work, which is essentially a list of topics to be covered in the school year. Going through this system, I have learned to befriend older students and ask them for their old notes, to study as the Nigerian school curriculum hasn’t changed in 50 years, much like the stance on corporal punishment in schools. According to my parents I had it easy as in their time both girls and boys were whipped on their butts but currently girls are hit on their palms, fingertips, and thier legs which is progress. However, the instruments of pain have not changed as, students are hit with cables, kobokos,omoroguns and pankeres. I personally have a momentum of a beating gone wrong in the form of a scar. The beating gone wrong happened when I was 4 and a teacher hit me so hard, my head was knocked toward the corner of my desk where an exposed nail ripped the skin of my jaw. Interestingly, this was one of the main motivations behind my wanting to be a pediatrician because