
Essay on Taking Tests: Myths and Facts

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When it comes to preparing for and taking tests there are many myths. There are also many different ways to prepare yourself for success. During the course of this paper we will discuss the myths of studying for a test, time management, how to reduce test anxiety, and the different types of tests and tips on how to take them.

When it comes to taking tests we often hear myths about studying. Some of these myths include; you can not study for a standardized test, everyone knows how to study, and cramming is a good way to study for a test. All of these are false hints and the reason that they are myths. (Rozakis 2003). First lets talk about studying for standardized tests. Everyone can study for them just by using your old tests and …show more content…

Studying for an hour for a test isn't going to get you an A on the test. In order to get the grade you have to put in the time. Sit down somewhere without all the distractions of the world where you can concentrate on the subject you are studying. Most of us aren't big fans of studying but it is a necessary evil. We have to make the best out of it by making it fun. In Test Taking Strategies and Study Skills for the Utterly Confused by (Rozakis 2003) they give a tip when it comes to managing your time and how to do it. Write down a list of all your activities that you do during the day and how long you spend on them then multiply that by seven for each day of the week. Then subtract the number of hours in a week from the number of hours you spend on your activities and that is the number of hours you will to study. If you are not happy with the answer you get and don't think that is enough time then you might want to look at some activities that you can cut time from.

Most of us get anxiety from time to time whether it be physically or mentally. According to (Shrum 2001) some signs of mental test anxiety are difficulty concentrating, negative thoughts such as racing thoughts or past performances. The physical signs are nausea, cramps, and faintness. There are many ways that we can deal with our test anxiety before, during and after our tests. Most of us try to avoid anxiety all together. By finding out a little about the test such as

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