
Taking a Look at Intracellular Fluid

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Intracellular Fluid: (Located inside the cells) Fluid Contained within all of the cells of the body and accounts for 67% of all the fluid in the body -Contains proteins and substances specific to certain biological actions Extracellular Fluid (Plasma): Fluid Present in the blood and in the spaces surrounding cells 20-25% is the fluid portion of the blood (Plasma) 75-80% lies around the cells interstitial fluid Water accounts for 55-60% of body weight Maintaining differences in fluid composition: Helps cells regulate their own activity, to accomplish certain and specific actions. Plasma membranes separate extracellular and intracellular fluid Interstitial and plasma separated by the wall of blood vessels Connective tissue forms extracellular matrix (ECM): Consists of a mixture of proteins, polysaccharides, and in some cases, minerals. -Provides scaffold for cellular attachments -Transmits info in the form of chemical messengers to cells to help regulate their activity, migration, growth, and differentiation Proteins of the extracellular matrix consist of: Ropelike collagen fibers and rubberband-like elastin fibers and a mixture of nonfibrous proteins that contain carbohydrate The properties of barriers determine which substances can move between compartments ICF <-> ISF <-> PLASMA <-> ORGANS Membrane Transport Proteins Fundamental feature of all molecules of any substance is that they are in continuous state of movement and vibration -Energy for this

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