
Taking a Look at Muscular Dystrophy

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The first written account of Muscular Dystrophy occurred in 1830, composed by Sir Charles Bell (Audrey S. Penn, 2001). His essay, along with many other accounts, display instances of younger boys getting progressively weaker, losing the ability to walk, and dying at extremely early ages. These diagnostics continued to become more frequent up into the late 1800s and early 1900s. As these symptoms were being researched and observed it soon became prevalent that this disease can affect all people of any sex or age. Muscular Dystrophy (or MD) is a general term representing more than 30 inherited diseases and subcategories that affect the skeletal, and in some cases involuntary, muscle regions (Hegde, 2012). The gene is recessively X-linked, meaning that females are carriers of the mutation even if they do not have the disease, and males will either have it or not. The X-linked characteristic of MD is the reason why most types are seen more abundantly in males. MD can lead to the symptoms seen in the 1800s; inability to walk or function properly, substantial weakness, and potentially death. The reason behind differencing types of MD is because no one case is the same; they are categorized based of the areas of the body that are affected, the ages that symptoms become present, and the level of intensity of the disease. Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy is present only in boys, from birth; however, symptoms do not usually show until the ages of 3-5. Another widely existing disease is

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