
Taming Of The Shrew Wealth Quotes

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In the novel, the taming of the shrew, wealth has changed many people.
It is believed that wealth may change everyone, chosen ones, wise ones, loved ones and special ones. In the novel, the Taming of the Shrew, wealth is portrayed as a change in many characters, wealth is also used as power in various situations. This is essay will however explore , the changes in characters due to wealth , Katherine, the elderly daughter of a wealthy merchant, who was known throughout the city for her scolding tongue and was so fiery tempered that no one who would marry her. Secondly Petruchio, a young man who was high spirited and easy going and was in search of a wealthy wife. Lastly, this essay will also discuss how …show more content…

As mentioned above, Katherine was the elderly daughter of a wealthy merchant, who was known throughout the city of Padua for her scolding tongue and her fiery tempered attitude. Most men had excluded her when suggestions arrived in terms of marriage. Due to this situation, Katherine had set her mind to not getting married at all. “Good, Morning Kate, said Petruchio, as the haughty lady swept in. ‘my name is Katherine’, she pouted. ‘No is isn’t, you are called plain Kate and Bonny Kate and sometimes Kate the wild cat . . . . But I think you are the prettiest Kate in Christendom- gentle, beautiful, modest and kind. Yes I’ve heard all about you, and I’ve come to ask you to be my wife’. She slapped his face” (page 3) .This quote gives details in how arrogant Kate is towards Petruchio. It is known to be very disrespectful manners to answer back to an opposite gender, but slapping someone who has come to ask for your hand is revolting. But poor Katherine doesn’t remain in this high position throughout the novel. As soon as she and Petruchio are wedded she experiences many changes within her and around her.” All her life she had had everything she wanted. Now,

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