
Tasmanian Devil Research Paper

Decent Essays

Tasmanian Devil When people think of a Tasmanian devil, they think of a crazy spinning animal on Loony Tunes. The Loony Tunes’ character is fierce, terrifying, and slightly funny. As the animal spins, it destroys everything in its path. Of course, a cartoon character is not exactly a reliable source to base a Tasmanian devil’s characteristics on. Tasmanian devils are one of God’s amazing, yet strange creatures. In order to understand the significance of Tasmanian devils, one must understand their behaviors, their living habitats, and their need for survival. God gives every animal something unique; for Tasmanian devils, their behavior is something to admire . Extremely short tempered and mean, Tasmanian devils are constantly fighting each other. This aggressive nature is not something one would expect of a Tasmanian devil because of their size. Being the size of a small dog, they need to compensate by being fierce. When threatened, they will start hissing and screeching in horrible tones, which earned them the name Tasmanian devil. Commonly, their aggressive nature will come out when food is involved. Sometimes even killing fellow Tasmanian devils, they will stop at nothing to get what they need to survive, mainly food. All these characteristics keep Tasmanian devils alive, showing that God knew exactly what he was doing when he …show more content…

Not only do Tasmanian devils have everything they need to survive, but they help humans economically. Their ability to be a vacuum cleaner is just one example of God’s creativity. Tasmanian devils may not be the humorous fictional character from Loony Tunes, but God has still given them many attributes that are unique. Among these things are their behaviors, their strange eating habits, and their survival skills. Seeing all of this, Tasmanian devils can be extremely cool, or extremely terrifying. All of this is a great example of God’s talent, creativity and

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