
Tasters And Children Case Study

Satisfactory Essays

Agnes Simons
February 26, 2018
1. What kind of evidence would indicate that the ability to taste PTC is inherited?
That number, or rather percentage, of children that can or can not taste PTC correlates with their parent’s results. In case where both parents can taste- most of the kids also can taste, percentage of kids which can taste is lower in a combination where one parent can taste and other cannot and if parents cannot taste it then there is no way that children can taste it.
2. Why was it important for Snyder to verify that males and females had similar proportions of tasters and non- tasters?
So he can prove that genes responsible for this phenotype is located on autosomal chromosomes and not x or y chromosome. Location of loci responsible for this ability is important and there is a difference between loci being located on sex and autosomal chromosomes. If loci was to be located, for example, on X chromosome, patterns in which this ability is inherited would be different. In that case, females are more likely to have the ability to taste PTC since they have two X chromosome and chances are twice bigger that dominant allele is present. If no female children had this ability, that would mean that it is located on Y chromosome.
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Why do couples who can taste PTC have children who cannot?
Because this phenotype is inherited by completely dominant allele, so for this allele to be expressed it is enough that there is only one copy. This also makes it possible for recessive allele to be inherited without being expressed. If a child has parents who both have heterozygote genotype than it is possible that childe inherits two recessive alleles, so kids whose parents could taste PTC do not have this

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