
Tattoos and Piercings in the Workplace

Better Essays

Zac Wilson
27 January 2011
English 102
Multiple Positions rough draft
Prohibition of Tattoos and Piercings in the Workplace A large number of businesses do not allow tattoos that are visible. Many also prohibit piercings, other than single earrings on women. Some industries even take their policies to the extreme of not allowing any tattoos that take up more than 25% of a body part, and if a pre-existing tattoo is too large or obscene, it must be removed (Powers). This even applies if a uniform can easily cover the tattooed area. A business is allowed to limit or prohibit tattoos, piercings, and other forms of body modification as much as they want as long as it is addressed in the employee handbook, usually in the dress code …show more content…

Dave Kimmelberg, a Boston lawyer, wrote a book called INKED Inc., which is about people who go to work with concealed tattoos. He feels that in many businesses, it is like a “don’t ask, don’t tell” understanding between the workers and their bosses. Now that he has written the book, many people know that he has tattoos that cover most of his arms, but he still chooses to cover them when dealing with anything professionally (Goodman). Similarly, a Starbuck’s employee named Ron Carter has tattoos on his arms. He gladly covers them up with wristbands in order to keep his job. He understands that in a business relationship, he must follow the rules set by the company, so that they can gain the most profit, and he can keep his job (Feldstein). A man named Edward Rangel worked at Red Robin, for six months, displaying his religious tattoos on his wrists the whole time. The company had a policy stating that employees had to cover up tattoos. The whole time Edward worked there, he received no complaints from customers, coworkers, or supervisors, and was not required to cover his tattoos. Rangel’s faith stated that it is a sin to cover his tattoos. He had spoken with the managers about the issue on multiple occasions, seeking a exemption from the dress code, but they refused. A new manager was then hired and immediately fired Rangel after seeing his tattoos. Rangel filed a lawsuit, and won a large sum of money in the case. He won because the company had not been

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