
Tax Exempt Policy Of Mchf And Status Of Nicklaus Children 's Hospital

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Tax Exempt Policy of MCHF and Status of Nicklaus Children’s Hospital
Nicklaus Children’s Hospital is a 289 bed facility with ten outpatient centers and practice subsidiaries nonprofit. Also under the Affordable Care Act this hospital must do an assessments of the community 's needs and from there must develop a strategic plan in order to address the needs that were identified for the community (health netpulse 2013).This hospital doesn’t pay federal income tax, state tax and local property taxes (Nicklaus Children 's Hospital 2016). As listed on their return of organization exempt from income tax form their mission and most significant activities consist of being able to provide world-class access to healthcare for all children as well as sustenance programs that are innovative and emphasize preventions, diagnosis and treatment of illness that affect children (Internal Revenue Service 2014).

Debt Miami-Dade County Health Facilities Authority, supports and contributes to the improvement and preservation of the County’s Health Facilities (Miami-Dade County). Bonds have been issued by the Miami-Dade County Health Facilities Authority also known as MCHFA to Nicklaus Children’s Hospital known as NCH (Consolidated Financial Report 2013). In 2013 Nicklaus Children’s Hospital was given a $105.4 million fixed rate bonds with principal maturing from 2014 to 2042 with interest rates between 2.0% and 5.25% from MCHFA (Consolidated Financial Report 2013). Currently Nicklaus Children’s

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