
Taxonomy Lab to Show Organism Relationships

Satisfactory Essays


Date: March 16, 2014

Instructor’s Name: Professor Tyra Hall – Pogar

Assignment: SCIE207 Phase 5 Lab Report

Title: Taxonomy Lab to Show Organism Relationships

Instructions: You will need to fill out the data table and answer a set of questions.

When your lab report is complete, post it in Submitted Assignment files.

Part 1: Using the lab animation, fill in the following data tables to help you answer the questions that follow:

Table 1: Samples 1–5

Phylum/Division | Sample 1: Chrysophyta | Sample 2: Annelida | Sample 3: Arthropoda | Sample 4: Amphibia | Sample 5: Aves | Common Feature | Unicellular, primary producers| Segmented body | External skeleton and segmented body | Can obtain oxygen from …show more content…

| Diffusion | Nephridia in each segment; solid waste exits through the anus | Malpighian tubules | Kidneys, intestines, anus | Kidneys, intestines, anus | Growth and Development Does the organism go through metamorphosis, develop in an egg or uterus, or grow from seeds? | Start as small cells; grow bigger until division | Start out as fertilized eggs, hatch into little worms that continue to grow, and then mature sexually into adults | Complete (egg, larvae, pupae, adult) or incomplete (egg, nymph, adult) metamorphosis | Metamorphosis: Egg, tadpole, adult | Develop in egg | RegulationHow does the organism control body processes (hormones, nervous system)? | The nucleus directs protein synthesis. Euglena have eye spots that can detect light | Tiny anterior brain, ganglia, and the nerve cord runs the length of the body | Tiny anterior brain, nerve cord, ganglia, and extremely well-developed sensory organs | Brain, nervous system, good reflexes | Nervous and endocrine systems | Sample organism | Phytoplankton * Chrysophyta | Earthworm * Annelida | Fruit fly * Arthropoda | Frog * Amphibia | Bird * Aves |

Table 2: Samples 6–10

Phylum/Division | Sample 6: Reptilians |

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