
Teachers In Space Program

Decent Essays

In 1984 Ronald Reagan introduced the Teacher in Space Program. This program was designed to give normal civilians the opportunity to go into space. The first participant of the program was Christa McAuliffe. She, along with six other astronauts, were scheduled to ride the shuttle orbiter Challenger into space on January 28, 1986. Tragically, they never made it. Seventy-three seconds after liftoff the space shuttle disintegrated, killing everyone on board. Ronald Reagan commissioned a panel known as the Warren Commission to investigate the disaster. The commission concluded that the cause of failure was an O-ring on the solid rocket booster that failed to seal properly because of cold temperatures. Engineers at NASA had warned their superiors that they …show more content…

There was most likely high pressure on the management to continue the mission because it had already been delayed for six days. In spite of this, everyone on the ground has an obligation to the astronauts to ensure that the mission is as safe as possible. If the engineers had gone public with the information about the dangers associated with launching in low temperatures, they would have probably lost their jobs. However, the astronauts would probably still be alive. Losing one’s job is a small price to pay to save seven lives. Although I believe that the engineers should have done more to stop the launch, I also do not believe it is fair to blame them for the catastrophe. Hindsight is 20/20. Had the engineers known what would happen, they obviously would have done more to stop the launch. I believe that most of the blame should be placed on the ones who the engineers alerted to the problem, yet ignored their warnings. This example shows how important a code of ethics really is. It often really is a matter of life and

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