
Teaching And Learning Philosophy From A Place Of Experience Essay

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The interesting approach to teaching and learning philosophy comes from a place of experience. What I have come to believe resonates with the positive and negative events that have occurred during my years as a student, but also as a role model. As we grow up we experience different teachers that tackle problems differently. The negative experiences always happen to stand out, but the positive experiences create the passion that can be transferred into motivation for our own teaching and learning philosophies. Four keywords that reside with me are Passion, Mistakes, Encouragement, and Practice. Four words, Four definitions and Four ways to turn negativity into a positive notion. It is extremely important to be passionate about what you believe because as a teacher passion can be contagious. I have grown as a person to understand that people have different needs. I have left my mind open to see that people are all unique and by understanding that one word, I am able to see the impact that my teaching philosophy could have on many individuals.
Being passionate comes from a drive within that motivates you to do a task with heart and meaning. I have had teachers that created an environment where it has been fun and passionate. I could just tell that everything they talked about they talked with passion and understanding. I have also had teachers that created a hostile environment using body language and frustration. As a kid growing up you’re always watching. I

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