
Teaching Methods Academic Achievement And Influence Attitudes

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Akçay, A. (2009). WebQuest in the course of teaching methods academic achievement and influence attitudes. Unpublished master 's thesis, Atatürk Üniversity, Erzurum.

Alhileh & Nofal (2007). The effect of the web quest strategy on improving the critical thinking and achievement of educational sciences faculty (UNRWA) Students’ in the teaching of thinking course. Journal of Research on Technology in Education, 37(2), 161-175.

Auditor, E., & Roleda, L. (2014). The WebQuest: Its impact on students’ critical thinking, performance, and perceptions in physics. International Journal of Research Studies in Educational Technology, 3 (1), 3-21.

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Dodge, B. (1995). WebQuests, A technique for Internet Based Learning. Distance Educator, (2), 10 13.

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Dodge, B. (2001). FOCUS: Five rules for writing a great WebQuest. Learning &
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Gorrow, T. R., Bing, J. R., & Royer, R. D. (2004). Going in circles: The effects of a WebQuest on the achievement and attitudes of prospective teacher candidates in education foundations. Proceedings of Society for Information Technology &
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Kanuka, H., Rourke, L., & Laflamme, E. (2007). The influence of instructional

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